FOCAL TEXT: John 9 vs 4►►” I must do the work of the one who sent me while it is the day. The night is approaching, when no one can work.”~| ISV|_____________________________________
FAVOURED greetings Cherished one. Light becomes relevant due to the presence of darkness. Truth is sought after because of lies and falsehood. Social vices, violence, wars and crimes call for the need of the security systems such police and military. The challenge of long distances brought about the emergence of automotive engines and manufacturing of cars. Israel in slavery calls for Moses as the deliverer.
A certain challenge has your name as the solution. Beloved, solutions are embedded in the problems we have in our environs. Are you going through any challenge of life that you have prayed yet no solution. Don’t give up. Discern the opportunities that challenge may be presenting to you and make the most ouf of it till you become what God wants you to become.
The world is full of problems or challenges that need solutions from humans. Most challenges come as blessings in disguise. Jesus understood this and healed the blind man in John chapter nine. Beloved, it’s not every challenge of life that you can run away from. Face and fight the battles of ignorance, sin, poverty by faith and release victory over them. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always. Amen!
_I am a child of the King, a royal priesthood full of God’s power and anointing. I refuse to be intimated by any challenge. Rather I graciously discern by God’s Spirit to see and enjoy the opportunities in them in Jesus Blessed Name !_
_Pray and thank God for the discerniment to see good opportunities in challenges._

_*You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.*_
FURTHER STUDY: Genesis 1:26-28
*Enjoy A Favoured Friday*

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