Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

Q & A: How Can I Control my Thought Life?-KCM


Controlling your thought life is not only possible—it’s promised. But to do so, you have to advance to the front lines of spiritual conflict. Your mind is the main battlefield in the struggle to live a victorious, godly life.

Proverbs 23:7 teaches us that what a man thinks about or meditates on, is what he becomes. So your thought life is very important. There is no need for you to be harassed or tormented in your thoughts by the devil, because God has made provision for you to be successful in this area.

Satan’s strategy is clear. He wants to influence your mind with ugly or negative thoughts which are usually lies or deceptions—anything contrary to the Word of God. Think about it: Once Satan has lost you to God’s kingdom, he has only one hope remaining. That’s to keep you thinking and acting like you used to think. He knows this makes you ineffective in the kingdom of God in spite of being a believer.

No, you can’t prevent wrong thoughts from coming to your mind. But that’s not where the real battle is fought. The real battle is won when you refuse to dwell on those wrong thoughts.

Here’s how Romans 12:2 puts it: “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” Your mind needs to be renewed. When you accept Jesus as your Savior, it is only your spirit that is born again and receives new life. Your mind and body remain the same until you do something to change them and cause them to line up with your spirit.

The way you renew your mind and control your thoughts is pretty simple really. It is a natural result of reading and meditating on the written Word of God. In fact Philippians 4:8 spells out the kinds of things we should be thinking about: things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report. And 2 Corinthians 10:5 says it is our responsibility to bring every thought into the obedience of Christ. This will only happen as you daily take the time to put God’s Word first place in your life. The Word has supernatural power to defeat Satan in the battlefield of your mind.

When Satan brings thoughts and suggestions to your mind, use the Word of God in the same manner Jesus did in the wilderness when Satan tempted Him. He only answered what the Word said. Each time, He exclaimed, “It is written!” He used the Word of God to drive Satan out of His presence. You can do the same thing. Through Jesus Christ and His Word you are the victor!

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