Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

Habits Of An Excellent Musician – Delivered By Ps Edwin Dadson And Friends

Pastor Edwin Dadson and Friends (Niiella, Mabongi, and Ps Isaiah Fosu-Kwakye)

Excellence refers to an act beyond satisfaction, has an impact, above ordinary, builds on gift and craft to the best (both spiritually and physically) to be a whole package.

A musician goes beyond having the gift as a musician, one’s character is also key.

You tend to procrastinate when you don’t have a vision. A vision gives you a sense of urgency.

Laziness will cause you to be left behind. Music evolves, strive to learn.

Excellence is relative.

Some things are needful and may not be exciting, but the results, wonderful. The process won’t be sweet, but the outcome will be great.

Habits to be built
1. Train yourself (your voice) to build on the solfas.
2. Learn to sing straight before you try to run (Not every voice can run).
3. Figure out your tone and build on it.
4. Record and listen to yourself when you sing.
5. Breathing tip; when you’re breathing in or out, keep your shoulders and chin down.

Habits to cultivate with riffs and runs
1. Whatever you sing from your mouth, let it pass through your mind first. Make sure it sounds good in your head before you sing it out.
2. Whatever sounds you produce must not be a distraction from your actual message.
3. Think before you sing.
4. Break runs down, take it slow.
5. Learn other scales as well.

Spiritual habits to be cultivated
1. Bible study
2. Prayer life
3. Personal worship life

When you try to deliver what you don’t have, it makes you a thief! Whatever you do on stage shouldn’t be the first time you’re doing it.

Character habits and the gift
1. The Word of God should be centered in you.
2. Don’t let the praise of men get into your head.
3. Be humble.
4. Watch your tongue.
5. Know you’re a Christian before a musician.
6. Have a personal relationship with God.
7. Self-reflection is key.

Morality and the musician
1. Have boundaries, even in your friendships.
2. Set your standards.
3. Dress decently. Your dressing represents who you are, and you’re to reflect Christ.


credit: worshippersgh.com

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