Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds


Vincent Bannerman is a prophet and pastor of Spiritlife Revival Ministries, whose general overseer is Prophet Bernard Elbernard Nelson Eshun in Ghana. He shares these powerful teachings on his Facebook timeline and Gospelxyz.com takes it to inspire you.

Note: He shares one out of the 5 buttons. We are sure he will release the rest as the days go by.

He writes:

Blessings and curses are all declared using the same tongue. Love and hatred are resident in the same one heart. Joy and sadness are a reflection of spiritual state.

There are buttons in life that control the above mentioned that find expression in our lives. You must never press these buttons if you do not desire to destroy your life and that of others.

1. The Button of Envy
Envy is a wrongful desire to have what someone has or desire that they lose what they have. Whenever we are filled with envy, the achievements of others fuel our sadness and we remain unhappy until we have what they have or fight their happiness.

Envy makes people live rent-free in your head. It makes you put your life on hold to become a spectator in the lives of others.

✔️ Envy destroys homes
The first account of murder in the Bible was as a result of envy. (Cain & Able)
Envy can turn spouses against each other. Envy can make enemies out of siblings. Sadly, envy can even make parents desire evil to happen to their own children.

There are single parents who out of envy destroy any good relationship their children enter into because they don’t want them to have a successful marriage.

✔️ Envy destroys divine purposes
Churches are destroyed when envy takes over the heart of people in it. It is envy that makes pastors desire the downfall of other pastors.

It was out of envy that made the Jews pull every string to destroy Jesus. They even chose an evil man over a righteous man. Matt 27:19-23

Similarly, the Jews moved with envy and fought against the ministry of Paul. Acts 13:45-50

Never press the button of envy. It unleashes pain and sorrows.

Nations have lost people who were sent to lead them to the place of wealth and dominion because of envy.

Don’t give envy room in your heart. Don’t eat the fruit of envy.

Learn to rejoice with those who are in their season of impact and recognition. You have an evil eye if you want every good thing to revolve around only you .

Allow the light of others to shine. It will not stop yours from shining.

May we learn to be happy for the success of others.


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