24/7 Doxa Content-Your Attitude To Church Service [Pt. 2]
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
MONDAY, 7th August
1 Corinthians 14 vs
»»40.¶ Let all things be done decently and in order.-[KJV]«« ||
TO enjoy God’s treasure in church service, first you must have a delightful attitude towards the Lord. Yes, because He is the main reason why you are there. You are there in His name (Matthew 18:20). Therefore, refuse to be distracted by anyone or thing. For you are there to offer reverence to God. Secondly, your attitude during the service is also a vital key to enjoying the blessings of God.Many take a casual look at certain sessions of the service and deem them as not too important. However, from the opening prayer to the benediction, they all carry the weight of God’s glory. Refuse to undermine any session in the Lord’s presence.
Thirdly, your attitude or response to the ministers of God. The ministers of God are not there on their own accord. They are called by God to minister blessings to your life. Your acceptance of them has a bearing on your blessings. Some people in Nazareth never accepted Jesus ministry which ended up hindering the miracles He could perform (Mark 6:5).
Cherished one, No matter the stature of the servant of God, deem him/her worthy as the oracle of God to impact blessings unto you. Esteem them highly. Lastly, your attitude to other brethren in the church. Connect with them out of love. Hebrews 13:1 says let brotherly love continue”. Greet one another with love, gladness of heart and smile. Your attitude really determines your altitude. So the choice is yours today. Enjoy the most out of any service you attend in the Name of God, even the ones you have in your privacy*. For real blessings can be reaped there. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
I am set to enjoy the presence and blessings that come from fellowshipping with the Lord. My attitude is graceful guided to act right towards God, His ministers and activities scheduled. Through this I fully partake in receiving the corporate anointing and blessings from God in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen !
Enjoy A Fruitful Monday !