24/7 Doxa Content-21st July-You Are Free Indeed
¶ 24/7 Doxa Content 2017
FRIDAY, 21st July
John 8 vs
36.¶ If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.[ KJV]
Religion will becloud you. Living anyhow as a Christian will give you “anyhow results”. But living according to the order and word of Jesus Christ is the best way to enjoy the abundant life. For Jesus brought total freedom or liberty to anyone who believes in Him. Having a discourse with the Jews of his time, Jesus categorically emphasised that if He liberates you then you are really and unquestionably free. The Jews claimed they were not in bondage because they were descendants of Abraham, but Jesus unveiled to them that they were slaves to sin and this makes them in bondage.
The word “make” and “free” both comes from the Greek word “eleutheros”, which means “freeborn, one who is not a slave, one who ceases to be a slave, freed, exempt, unrestrained”. The Jews thought they were free not knowing they were slaves to sin, the Mosaic law, traditions of their fathers and would not give way for the words of Jesus to take root in them (John 8: 37). Cherished one, have you believed in the Son of the Living God? If yes, then you are indeed or unquestionably liberated, freed from the bondage and yoke of sin or any curse. Yes, you are free through and through from all angle or direction. Your spirit, soul and body are made free to serve the living God (I Thess 1:9; Hebrews 9:14).
Beloved, you are free to live holy for God. Sin and the pleasures of the world have no power to dominate your life any more (Romans 6:14). You are free from being the servant of sin; Free to let the word of the Lord take root in you. Now you need to “ Stand fast therefore in the LIBERTY by which Christ has MADE us FREE, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage” (Galatians 5:1). You are born of God to live in the liberty in Christ. Refuse to be entangled by anything ungodly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with always.
Glorious Father, I thank You for the freedom given me in Christ Jesus. I am indeed free from the bondage and yoke of sin, death, curse and all forms of ungodliness to serve You only. I therefore walk in this liberty all my days. For Your grace has broken the power of sin over my life. Hallelujah. I am unquestionably free because the Son has made me so in Jesus Name. Amen !Enjoy A Liberated Friday !