24/7 Doxa Content-25th July-Wisdom, The Principal Thing [Pt.2]
¶ 24/7 DOXA Content 2017
TUESDAY, 25th July
Proverbs 4 v
7¶.Above all and before all, do this: Get Wisdom!~[MSG]
WHEN you operate within the wisdom of God, you are not defined or limited by the environment or the status quo. It’ll save you from making many mistakes in life. This kind of WISDOM makes a Christian think right, talk right and do things right. The wisdom of God brings on you an aura where the word of God becomes your standard for measuring things.
Cherished one, through this wisdom, the character of Christ will be revealed in your words, thoughts and actions. For it is Christ manifested in you that rubs on your spirit much wisdom. Dearly beloved of God, your life is likened to a building. The Bible says “by wisdom is a house built” (Prov24:3). It means that if you can live a successful life, you can’t neglect wisdom. The word of God is your “WISDOM BANK”. Feast on it daily and apply it effectively in your life.
Think wisdom, talk wisdom and act wisdom in your daily pursuit. For the wisdom of God is a rewarding system of strength, honour, silver, favour and long life (Prov 3:13). Wisdom will guide your Christian life, marriage, business, finances, ministry when seen as the principal thing. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
God’s wisdom is my anchor in this life. I operate with the tongue of the wise. My thoughts and actions are a reflection of divine wisdom. His wisdom puts me on top of life’s challenges and I’m crowned with good successes in Jesus Name. Amen !
Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday !