24/7 Doxa Content-17th July-Wisdom and Understanding for Work
¶ 24/7 DOXA Content 2017
MONDAY, 17th July
Exodus 36 vs
1.¶And Bezalel and Aholiab, and every gifted artisan in whom the LORD has put wisdom and understanding to know how to do all manner of work for the service of the sanctuary,shall do according to all that the LORD has commanded them”. -(NKJV)
THE WORLD in which we live is governed by the principle of work. It seems nothing is produced until work is done. And God is a worker. Yes, He works. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He came as a worker in the business of His Father ( John 9:4). He also revealed that “... My Father has been working until now, and I have been working” ( John 5:17)_. However, many people do not really enjoy the fruit of their labour due to lack of wisdom. *For wisdom is the first and best (principal) for building your home, family, finances and business*.
Bezalel and the other people were gifted, but that didn’t prevent them from receiving from the Lord wisdom and understanding. When the Lord put these virtues in them, they were able to make all manner of handiworks. You may be gifted, educated and have acquired many certificates but without wisdom and understanding from the Lord, frustrations will be the order of your life. Beloved, there is a “wisdom” and understanding God gives for any type of business or work on earth. Are you an accountant, teacher, businessman, pastor, or a student etc? There is a specific wisdom for it.
This wisdom is different from what your tutors taught you in school. It is not taught in the classroom of this universe but by the Creator Himself (James 1:5). His wisdom makes you better and not worse. This kind of wisdom is for making witty inventions (Prov 8:12). With this, you can invent great things, establish businesses and employ many people. Wisdom is essential in building anything worthwhile in life. In fact, it’s not amazing the Preacher said _”wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom and in all your getting, get understanding (Prv 4:7,8)_. It will put you over in life. You’ll be a wonder to the world in business. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, Your wisdom and understanding in me make me a victor in life. I ask and receive greater depths of wisdom and understanding for my life and business. I refuse to lazy about in business. I am making diligent progress. I praise You for Your wisdom and understanding actively working in me in Jesus’ Name. Amen !
Enjoy A Fruitful Monday !