24/7 Doxa Content-28th August-Strength For Excellence
|] 24/7 DOXA Content 2017
MONDAY, 28th August
Ecclesiastes 9 vs
10.¶Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no work, or device, or knowledge, or wisdom in Sheol ( the place of the dead) where you are going.~[ AMP] ||
THE Preacher as he is affectionately called admonishes all to do whatever work with all might. He further tells us that there is no work, device, knowledge, or wisdom in the grave. This implies that work, device ( i.e. reasoning), knowledge and wisdom are only vital to the living not the dead. The word “might” here, is synonymous to “strength or power”. Every work or vocation requires a certain amount of strength. Also, everyone has been given certain amount of strength from God.
However, there are different kinds of strength; these include physical, mental, emotional or spiritual strength etc. Each one of these has a vital role to play in individual’s life. Some people are very weak mentally, but very strong physically. That’s your might, take advantage of it and use it. Others can also utilise their minds more than their physical strength.
So the Preacher says, whether yours is physical, spiritual, emotional or mental, use it with all your might. Though each of us may need all of these to excel, some folks are well built in specific areas than others. For example ” Daniel understood by books” (Dan 9:2).He was a learner and politician. Joseph was an interpreter of dreams, which led him to be a prime minister (Gen 37:19). Bezaleel was filled with wisdom to design all artworks with gold and silver (Exod 35:30,31). Where lies your strength? Find it!
Whatever you can do best mostly determines where your strength is. Nevertheless, you have to build on your capacity by continuous knowledge, wisdom and creativity. It is time to do whatever your hands finds with all your strength. Cherished one, challenge the status quo, don’t join it. Decide to be that excellent nurse, doctor, pastor, marketer, designer, student, politician, entrepreneur, musician, lawyer, mason, carpenter etc, in order to impact your generation. Yes, you are made for excellence. You have the strength for excellence. Manifest it. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you always.
Dear Father, thank You for the spirit of might in my life. In You I draw all my strengths for excellence in whatever You have destined for me. Your strength is made perfect even in my weakness. I am influencing my world with the strength and ability given me. I am doing all things through Christ who infuses strength in me in the Name of Jesus. Amen !
Enjoy A Fruitful Monday!