24/7 Doxa Content-24th August-Stand Firm in the Teachings of Christ
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
THURSDAY, 24th August
Colossians 2 vs
8.¶ Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.-[KJV]
WE are living in the end times and it’s not far from truth that the factors that have fought and still opposing the word of God or teachings of Christ are the same from generation to generations. Just that one generation intensifies than other. Jesus faced them, the apostles faced them, and we still face them even in the advent of much technology, much learning and knowledge. The apostle addresses some in his epistle to the Colossians:
Philosophy of man: philosophy in the Greek means “philosophia”( philos –friendly to one and sophos-wise or expert,or skilled”) combined to imply “ friendliness or love of wisdom used of zeal in any art or science or any branch of knowledge. It is often used interchangeably for intellectualism. Examples of such groups include the Pharisees and the Sadducees,who believe there is no resurrection, neither angel nor spirit (Acts 23:8). Another opposing force is *”vain deceit”*. That’s, something that is empty and void of truth, vain of no purpose. There are those who boast in their own intellectualism without power or faith. What they believe is idle fancies and plain nonsense.
Another one is called *”traditions of men”.* Thus, men’s ideas, theories and customs which rest in rituals and observances rather than in the works of the Messiah. Beloved, all the above are always in constant battle against the truth of God’s word, but the word of God is always living, active and more powerful than them. Do not spend your precious time on any doctrine which contradicts the teachings of Christ Jesus. Keep believing the teaching of Christ; stand strong in them no matter what. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
If philosophies ,traditions and intellectualism of men couldn’t stop or change my Master Jesus, I refuse to give heed to them because they can’t change me. My heart, mind have found a resting place in Christ and His words. By the help of the Spirit any teachings based on the rudiments of this world is made bare before me. Christ is the Truth eternally revealed to my spirit and I take absolute hold on Him. Hallelujah!
Enjoy A Truthful Thursday!