24/7 Doxa Content-13th July-Pray For The Prosperity of Your Country
¶ 24/7 DOXA Content 2017
THURSDAY, 13th July
Psalm 122 vs
6.¶Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.~[KJV ]
Any nation without Christ is under a curse. Yes, wickedness and darkness hover over such nations (1 John 5:19). However, the curse does not affect those who are born again, for Christ has delivered them from that curse (Gal 3:13,14). The only way people get liberated is for these believers to intercede for the country and preach the Gospel unrelentingly. *As a New Creation, no challenge in life or a nation is supposed to overcome you; because you have overcome the world (1John 5:4)*. Refuse to be part of the problems of the society. _Rather, you should always dare to be part of the solution_.
Many will complain, criticise and rain insults on the leadership if challenges are unbearable. But things are done differently in our kingdom. We are admonished to pray for leaders in authority (1 Timothy 2:1,2). *So complaining and insults won’t change a thing in your nation*. Therefore as the salt of your nation, one great privilege you have amongst others is to PRAY for your country (Matthew 5:14).
Yes, change things in your country by fervent prayers (James 5:17). The same way we pray for ourselves, businesses, friends and love ones, we ought to do so for our nations. Beloved, pray for the peace (Shalom) and the prosperity of your country despite how bad you see things to be. Pray for good leadership and administration; Pray that good and godly decisions will the order. It worked in the time of queen Esther and it still works in our time (Est 4:13-17). *Fervent prayer changes situations.*The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, I thank You for bringing me into this country. I am not here as a liability to my nation but a solution. Your word says Your ears are opened for my prayers and my earnest prayer shall always avail much. Therefore, I fervently pray for the peace and prosperity of my country. I declare Shalom over all her affairs in Jesus’ Name. Amen!Enjoy A Peaceful Thursday !