24/7 Doxa Content-20th August-An Opened Understanding For The Scriptures
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
SUNDAY, 20th August
Luke 24 vs
»»45.¶And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures-[NKJV]«««||
ACCORDING to Luke’s gospel, Jesus resurrected and appeared to His disciples but they found it difficult to believe that the Messiah had risen as He said (v41). It sounded amazing to them. It was an experience they had never witnessed before. Besides, it was above their finite mind to fathom. Their understanding were so darkened to the extent that they couldn’t even identify their own Master after resurrection.
Though they had read the law and prophecies about the Messiah, it took another level of understanding to comprehend the scriptures they read. Their minds have been blindfolded. This makes us understand the reality that you cannot understand scriptures without an opened mind. Also, It’s not how many years you have been in Church, but how well you have been taught by the Spirit.
Some Christian folks found themselves in the same state as the disciples. There have been with Jesus for donkey years, but still cannot adequately understand the Scriptures. Some cannot even “differentiate” the Holy Bible from a graphic or other books. However, the Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Tim 3:16). Therefore, it takes the Holy Spirit’s guidance and tutelage for you to understand it. Until you decide to understand the scriptures, you won’t experience its total influence in your life.
Beloved, it’s vital you allow the Spirit of Christ to open up your understanding to the Scriptures as Jesus did for them. Open your heart and mind, accept His ministry in your life. You may have a little measure of insight but that isn’t enough. You can go deeper by the help of the Spirit and anointed ministers. The holy scripture shouldn’t be a mystery to you. You can understand it, just open your mind to learning and teaching. Receive an opened understanding by the Spirit now. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, I thank You for Your word today. I humble my heart to Your Spirit for revelations and insight into the scriptures. I refuse to live in the dark and shadows of the scripture. I ask and receive an opened understanding of every scripture relevant to my serving You in Jesus’ Name! Amen !
Enjoy A Glorious Sunday !