24/7 Doxa Content-16th July- Maintain The “Faith Flow” At All Times
¶ 24/7 DOXA Content 2017
SUNDAY, 16th July
Hebrews 10 vs
23.¶Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised;) -[ KJV]
BELOVED, the Christian life is a full time, not part-time. Therefore your lifestyle, words, thoughts and deeds should always be in sync with God’s word at all times. This is because, every believer is called into the presence of God. Therefore, don’t adapt to any contrary environment you find yourself. Thus, live and speak the word from the secrets of your heart to the world even outside the church (Matthew 10:27). Don’t let unbelievers, challenges and the news media change the Word in your heart and mouth (Romans 10: 8).
Our opening scripture enjoins us to hold fast the confession of our faith without wavering. This implies that there are external forces that will fight the profession of your faith. However, you can hold fast and maintain the faith flow at all times. God never tells us to do anything He knows we can’t do. He strengthens us to do His will and His good pleasure (Phil 2:13). James reveals how to maintain your confession of faith; “keep looking into the perfect law of liberty (the Word), continue in it ; do not be a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the word” (James 1:25).
The word of God is the mirror of God that shows you the real you. So keep looking into it, keep making bold proclamations and act on it despite the environment. Beloved, don’t change your faith confessions. Don’t stop feeding your faith. By so doing you will please God and live and enjoy a rewarding life (Heb 11:6). Maintain the faith flow at all times! Refuse to be distracted, doubt or waver when challenged. The grace of our Lord Christ be with you always.
In the Name of Jesus, I hold fast the profession of my faith without wavering. I refuse to waver in seemingly challenging situations. For greater is He that’s in me. I am living a result-oriented purposeful life in Christ. I am not moved by circumstances but by God’s undiluted word. My faith and confessions are anchored on God so I can never fail or be moved. Glory to God!!! Hallelujah !Enjoy A Glorious Sunday !