24/7 Doxa Content-1st August-God’s Miraculous Supply
¶| 24/7 DOXA CONTENT 2017
TUESDAY, 1st August
2 Kings 7 vs
>>1. ¶Then Elisha said, Hear the word of the LORD. Thus says the LORD: Tomorrow about this time a measure of fine flour will sell for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria !-[AMP]<<||
THIS ACCOUNT recorded in Kings validates the reality of supernatural supply in the lives of God’s people. There was a great famine in the land of Samaria to the extent that people were feeding on dove’s dung (2Kgs 6:25). Despite this situation, there was a man God could speak through to effect His super on their natural. Hallelujah! God has His servants in earthen vessels. Beloved, no matter what you’re going through, God can speak to His servants to change your life. Elisha said “hear the word of the Lord”. God has a word for you through His servants concerning that situation. But the onus lies on you to “HEAR, BELIEVE and APPLY THE WORD”.
When God speaks, it is Divinity invading humanity. He brings His super on your natural. And that births a miracle- (supernatural acts of God in the affairs of man). As he declared the mind of God to them, one great “doubtor”, unbeliever, religious and a mocker denied the possibility of what GOD almighty had said through His prophet (2Kgs 7:2). This is pathetic because many folks portray the same attitude today. They have become so familiar with the natural that they don’t believe anything of the supernatural.
Such lives cannot please God because they lack the “faith-content” (Heb 11:6). Due to doubt, he received another miracle “that led him to his grave” ;the crowd trode on him when the prophecy came to pass (2Kgs 7:17). Doubt and unbelief have robbed many from enjoying their miracles. Some Christians even say “God does not rain manna from heaven again” and such talks. Because God does not change, He can do what He did in the olden days again and even much greater (Mal 3:6; Jn 14:12). He even sent “greedy” ravens to feed Elijah (IKgs 17:4-6). The fact that it’s not happening to you doesn’t mean it is not happening somewhere. I believe it is happening somewhere. God can do anything; anything means anything.
Please,get it,you can receive a miracle within a second, only if you do not doubt his word and prophets. Stop limiting God in a time-framed or formula miracle. He is all time God. He is the present help in times of need. So he can work miracles for you in a second,minute or hour or day or whenever. You just don’t put Him a box. Whatever miracle you need for the now,you can expect it now. All things are possible with God and those who believe. You are blessed ! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
The lines are falling unto me in pleasant places, oh yea, I have a goodly heritage. I am a miracle in motion. So I activate the supernatural by my faith. My miracles don’t have a time limit or formula. I am always expecting anytime. Miracles of diverse kinds are happening in my life in Jesus’ Name. Amen._
Enjoy A Miraculous Tuesday !