24/7 Doxa Content-22nd July-Earnestly Desire For Growth
¶ 24/7 Doxa Content 2017
SATURDAY, 22nd July
I Peter 2 vs
2. ¶Like newborn babies you should crave (thirst for, earnestly desire) the pure (unadulterated) spiritual milk, that by it you may be nurtured and grow unto [completed] salvation,-[AMP]««||
AS YOU journey in Christ, you’ll encounter different levels of growth. Thus, God expects His children to grow from faith to faith and from glory to glory. A stagnant lifestyle is never His utmost desire for you. Stagnation is a disease and tragedy in the spirit realm. An English dictionary defines being stagnant as ” lacking freshness, motion, flow, progress, or change; stale; motionless; still”. However, God encourages freshness, transformation, motion and life of influence. So the pathway to growth is to earnestly DESIRE or crave or thirst for the SINCERE, undiluted, unadulterated, pure word of God. And this desire should spring from your innermost being or heart not just a “lip desire”. Let this desire for the word be part of your heart desires. Let it be your “heart cry”.
Every heart desire is truly rewarded when it’s genuinely and persistently pursued. You pursue by taken specific steps. As you need healthy food in the natural to grow healthily, so it is in the spirit. You need to “eat and drink” from God’s word till you become matured. This is how to experience spiritual growth, continuous feasting on the word of God. There are people who are busily praying anyhow without any crave to grow by the word. This is why most do not get answers to most of their prayers; because they pray amiss. Friend, wherever there is no crave for the word, no growth is achieved, no matter how the person shouts.
We are to always mature in Christ. And your maturity is not necessary tied to your years spent in Church but years spent IN Christ and His Living Word. Maturity is mostly seen in your talk, thinking and attitude towards God, the things of God and other people. Beloved, true growth in Christ starts by desiring to feed on the milk of the word till you graduate to “breaking bones”. This is your day and time to earnestly grow at all levels. *Take the responsibility and time to grow*. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Your word is food to my soul and living water to my life. My life blossoms by it. It brings me into the atmosphere of beauty and sweet fragrance of the Holy Spirit. I live an incorruptible life born of the incorruptible Word. I receive help from the Spirit to crave for more word and prayer for much growth. I refuse to remain a spiritual dwarf or babe. I choose to live as a great giant for God in Jesus Name. Hallelujah!
Enjoy A Growing Saturday !