24/7 Doxa Content-15th August-Bear The Yoke of Discipline and Responsibility
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
TUESDAY, 15th August
Lamentation 3 vs
»»27. It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.-[KJV]»»»||
IN LIFE there are different stages played by different set of rules. The childhood, adolescent and adulthood stages come with various responsibilities. There are assigned responsibilities according to the strength and resources available at each stage. It would have been remarkable to see every one performing his duties perfectly but that’s not the norm these days. Some children and adolescents are forcibly playing the role of adulthood due to certain circumstances. And this is pathetic.
There are some children in the streets selling and even some living and sleeping there who are not supposed to be there. This is an error caused by certain individuals who did not bear the yoke of discipline and responsibility in their early young stages. Our focused text admonishes that it’s a good thing when you’re young to stick it out through the hard times. Yes, bear the yoke of discipline and responsibility at youthful stage. *Because it’s one challenging stage which demands great discipline and responsibility*. How you live in the young stage will definitely affect your future.
It’s true that life is full of challenges but there are many opportunities to make progress. However, some people are still pursuing the paths of laziness, excuses, irresponsibility, procrastination, complaining and mediocre mentality. These paths usually result to poverty and unnecessary suffering in the near future. Sometimes, the burden of such folks is carried on to others if the former do not plan well to succeed. For instance, if parents refuse to educate their child, they are directly carrying on the load of illiteracy to him or her. Unless the child comes of age and realizes he needs a change, he will live in ignorance for years.
Each individual has his own yoke to carry which will intend affect posterity. That’s why we are always admonished to live our lives well to positively affect the next generation. Don’t carry your responsibility to your child or grand child. You are to bless them not to put burdens on them. Do everything in your power by taking advantage of God’s grace, principles and instructions to make your life and others better. Though it’s not easy, but it’s always possible through Christ who strengthens you. And God will be your great helper in all situations. Bear that yoke of discipline and responsibility now, not later. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
I choose to live a responsible lifestyle. I live a glorious life that will positively affect my generation and the next. Because my life is a solution to the problem of someone. I refuse to be a liability. I receive abundant grace to bear my own yoke of discipline and responsibility in Jesus’ Name. Amen !_
Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday !