24/7 DOXA Content-18th October-VOICE THE SOLUTION
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
WEDNESDAY, 18th October
Genesis 1vs
3.¶And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.-|KJV|
ONE essential truth for every believer to know is that the Bible which contains God’s word is the solution pack to all problems, challenges and difficulties of life. Yes, that’s what it’s been designed to accomplish. In it there are several examples of people who made it through the help of God using His principles. Therefore when you encounter a problem seek for what God says about it and go for it. After making the discovery, be willing and ready to apply God’s solution method.
For instance, if it’s sickness, the Bible says _”by His (Jesus) stripes you were healed” (Isaiah 53:5 and 1Pet 2:24)._ Afterwards, let the revelation of divine healing get a strong hold of you and speak the solution from the Lord’s point of view. From thence, you cease from talking the problems and you focus your energy on talking the solution. Speak that revealed word consistently and persistently till you see the change manifest in the physical. God’s word is powerful but you have to give utterance to it with your mouth for the power to be released.
From our opening scripture, when God saw the darkness, He didn’t complain or sing about it, but He spoke the solution within Him. Cherished, stop looking at your body that’s paining you, the joblessness, the marital issues, finances hardship and get to know and apply God’s solution system to it. Worrying, complaining and discussing the problem won’t change anything. *Applying the solutions from God’s word will do you a lot of favour.* Give utterance in faith and expect miraculous results. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
The lines are fallen onto me in pleasant places; yea I have a goodly heritage. My life is anchored on the integrity of God’s infallible word. My whole life is hooked up on God’s solution system. I am from above and I reign above all negatives situations. I voice the solutions and they come to pass in Jesus Name. Amen !_
Enjoy A Glorious Wednesday !