24/7 Doxa Content-29th August-The Value of Priority
|] 24/7 DOXA CONTENT 2017
TUESDAY, 29th August
Acts 3 vs
»»3. “So when he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked them to give him a gift”. -[NKJV] «« ||
IT LOOKS amazing that a man lame from his mother’s womb carried to the gate of the temple would not have any desire to ask for healing but desired for alms. One interesting thing to note is that he was placed at the gate of the temple to ask for alms, not healing. He desired alms rather than healing; not at the market centre or mall (but at the gate of the temple). What might be the main reason for this? There are many Christians who act like this man.
If the revelation about Christ is not made alive in your spirit, you will deal with every situation with a carnal and natural mindset. Of course there are issues that are dealt with in the natural, but when it’s above the natural, there are more than enough solutions in the supernatural. That is the way God designed it; that whatever the natural can’t deliver to you can be easily delivered by accessing the supernatural. This man had been carried there by relatives or friends or loved ones who saw no need for healing but only begging. Beloved, your relatives, friends or loved ones may have given their final verdict on your situation but if the solution given is not hinged on Christ and His finished works, it means they are preparing for your grave not your glory.
You have the right to choose how your situation can be changed; that’s through the study and application of God’s word. The apostle then discerned the main thing that the man needed (Act 3:6). He asked alms from them, but that was a temporal solution to fill his belly. There are such folks in life who always want temporal solution for things because of ignorance of God’s Word. Some are claiming for healing whiles they can reach out for divine health. Don’t lose sight of what you want to need from God. Ask and expect the right thing first. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, You are able to do for me exceedingly abundantly far above all I can ask or think. Whatever I ask from the sincerity of my heart shall be given me. For all things are mine in Christ Jesus in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
Enjoy A Glorious Tuesday !