24/7 DOXA Content 2017
SATURDAY, 28th October
Colossians 1 vs
»»13.¶Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:-[KJV]«« ||
WE ARE informed by the scriptures that God’s redemptive plan has delivered all those who believe in Jesus from the kingdom of darkness. Yes, He has delivered believers from the filthy and wicked hands of the devil. Thus, the devil has no power to manipulate you without your consent. However, we were not only delivered but more so translated into the supreme kingdom of Christ. To be translated means “a change of standing”. Words which explain it include “conveyed, transported, catapulted and transferred”.
So after deliverance, you are conveyed, transferred, catapulted, transported or translated to a new and greater place, which is in Christ. Thus, your position has changed. You now have a new environment, government or kingdom. Hallelujah ! Beloved, you have been delivered from something dangerous, deadly and translated into something glorious and lively. When you are subject to the devil’s kingdom, you easily submit to his principles. But when God delivered you from the devil’s kingdom, He also freed you from his deadly principles of sin, poverty, failures, death, destruction and hell. They do not have authority over you any more. Glory !!! Hallelujah !!!
So it’s up to you to gird up yourself with this truth and live as a “delivered and translated person”. Friend, if God could deliver you from the devil’s kingdom, what is it that can still hold your life into shambles? Ignorance may be keeping you bound, but release yourself now for knowledge is power and strength. Beloved, your King has the best for you but it can be fully realized only when you are in the kingdom of His dear Son. And as long as you are a citizen of this great Kingdom, all principalities, powers, dominion and challenges are subject to you. You are the King’s kid and reign from His Kingly realm of authority, power, glory and dominion. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Thank You Lord for the great work You have done concerning my salvation. You have delivered and translated me into Your Kingdom to enjoy Your superabundant treasures. I refuse to allow the reign of the wicked over my life. I am the son of the King of kings and Lord of lords. I am liberated to enjoy Christ forever. Hallelujah !!!_
Enjoy A Triumphant Saturday !