24/7 Doxa Content-18th September-The Right Attitude To Money
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
MONDAY, 18th September
Luke 16 vs
»»13. No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.-[KJV] «« ||
THE SERVICES you render to money determine whether you are serving it or it’s serving you. So what will show that someone is serving money as a master? FIRSTLY, when he places it first over God. Someone could say, “If I get certain amount of money then I will repent and go to church”. But the Bible says, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…”-(Mat 6:33), not otherwise. SECONDLY, when he obeys its commands above God’s word. For instance, a businessman or woman who loves to open his shop on Sunday morning in the name of getting money or profits and ignores going to church is serving money.
If most of the decisions you make in your life are influenced by money than by God, then it is your master. Furthermore, when you give it your utmost attention to get it at all cost by all means. This is why you hear many people do the things they do, even killing a neighbour all in the name of money. There is God’s way of getting money. So your “at all cost, by all means” should be godly not worldly, else you will end up deadly. It is your responsibility to give money its rightful place. It is a servant. A servant helps a Master to fulfill a vision.
Money should be seen in your hands as a tool to fulfill God’s given purpose for your life on earth. It is just a tool to turn things for your favour. You should master money, not the other way round. *Don’t abuse or take advantage of people because of money. People are meant to be loved, cherished and appreciated, not to be used and abused.* Use money to help people not to hurt innocent lives.
Money itself is not evil, but never love it. _”For the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Tim 6:10)._ Jesus says “nobody can serve two masters”. Thus, you don’t have that ability to serve two masters. So don’t try it. If you have chosen God as your Master, give money its rightful place, a servant or a tool in your hands. Understand that there are temptations that will come as a result of the money you have. However, don’t fall to the temptation of placing money above God, His word, kingdom or even your neighbour. Use things, serve the Lord your God, your Master alone (Matt 4:10). The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Money is a tool in my hands to fulfill great and positive things in the Kingdom and in my life. My God gives me more than enough money to enjoy and bless my world of contact. God delights in my prosperity. Yea, His blessing makes me rich with no sorrows. Therefore, I cannot be poor nor lack any good thing. I am rich and abound in every good work in Jesus Name. Hallelujah!_
Enjoy A Fruitful Monday !