24/7 DOXA Content 2017
SATURDAY, 21st October
Daniel 6 vs
»»5.¶Then said these men, We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God. -[KJV]««||
DANIEL, a just man who had reverence for God and His Word was elected as a governor to rule over certain provinces. As a matter of truth, the canker of hatred against God’s children, they plotted against him. And scripture proves that they found no charge against him except one that concerns the law of His God (Dan 6:5 ). Of course, this has been one of the strategies of the devil. He never brings temptations except those that concern the word of God you have received and believed.
As an Israelite, he was not to bow or pray to any other god except Jehovah. But that is the same area the temptation came to. The decree demanded they shouldn’t petition or pray to any other god except King Darius (vs 7). The devil used the same strategy on Eve. He questions the word of God you have received and believed.Jesus said they will hate us because of the word of God we receive contradict their belief systems and “modus operandi” (John 17:14 ).
You may not be tempted based on your car or money per say but rather on the word you receive that concerns your money or car. He used that same old trick on Jesus. Jesus had been baptized in Jordan and had heard the voice that said “this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased” in Matt 3:17. Then, the tempter came and attacked not His handsomeness or money or garment, but the same word about his identity as the “Son of God”. He began in Mat 4:4 “if you are the son of God”. God never said “if” but the tempter said that, in order to question the integrity of the word Jesus had received from His Father.
Beloved, please stay alert on this old trick of the devil. His tricks are not new but many don’t know. Persecutions come for the sake of the word you have received. When he comes like that, use that same word (rhema) to defeat him. Don’t buy his lies into your truth. God’s word or law is not limited or subject to review, analysis or amendments. Therefore, stand up for any test you go through because of the word. Esteem God’s word highly in every area of your life and you will enjoy a glorious life in full. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Precious and Holy Father,I thank You for giving me Your eternal word that is not subject to traditions, laws, constitutions or review or amends. I choose to esteem Your word highly above all laws. I pass every test that concerns Your word. I am making progress and advancing by the word of grace in Jesus’ Name. Amen!_
Enjoy A Glorious Saturday !