24/7 Doxa Content-19th August-Refuse To Be Ignorant [2]
|¶ 24/7 DOXA Content 2017
SATURDAY, 19th August
1 Timothy 1 vs
>>13. ¶In the past I was a blasphemer, a persecutor, and a violent man. But I received mercy because I acted ignorantly in my unbelief.-[ISV]<<||
APOSTLE Paul is recounting to his past life His son in the Lord. In other words, he told him what “ignorance in unbelief” caused him to do and become. It caused him to be – A blasphemer; thus he spoke impiously and unjustly of Jesus, His doctrine, His ways and His followers. He also became-a Persecutor- by endeavouring to the uttermost of his power to exterminate all who called on the Name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 9:4,5).
Again, ignorance made him a violent man. As he was full of wrath, insolence; he caused injury to many lives in the Kingdom (Act 7:58; 22:4). And all this while he thought he was doing God’s service (John 16:2 ). The bedrock of most ignorant folks is religion. Spiritual ignorance is very dangerous. Ignorance can make a “beast” out of a man. Ignorance can also mean “being informed wrongly”, Paul was informed wrongly by religion (Jewish system) about Christ. That’s why he “did it ignorantly in unbelief”. The “god of the traditions of his fathers” had blindfolded his spiritual mind against the glorious gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Thus, he never considered the nature and evidences of Christianity; and not having believed that Jesus was the promised Messiah, he acted wholly under the prejudices that influenced his countrymen in general. But when he came to KNOW Jesus, all things became different (Romans 1:16; 2 Cor 5:17). Hallelujah! Beloved, he was ignorant of the revelation of the Messiah, so he did not believe in Him. It is amazing what harm people without Jesus could cause to humanity. Fight ignorance by taking the sword of the Spirit (Word of God); Study to show yourself approved unto God and walk in divine knowledge and wisdom. The grace our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, thank You for this revelation. I praise You for saving me from ignorance, unbelief and religious arrogance. My life can never be the same again as I keep learning humbly by the help of Your Spirit in Jesus’ Name. Amen !_
*Enjoy A Restful Saturday !