24/7 DOXA Content, 13th November -REFUSE TO SHIFT FOCUS
¶ 24/7 DOXA CONTENT 2017
MONDAY, 13rd November
Matthew 14 vs
>>30. ¶But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. ~[NKJV]<<||
According to 14:27-31, The Lord Jesus had bid Peter to come walk on the water because he had desired to. So Peter too started to walk on the water based on Jesus’ personality and word ” Come” (vs 29). It would be an interesting scene to behold two men walking on the water, until one of them ,Peter, changed his focus from Jesus. Why? He “SAW THE BOISTEROUS WIND”, not “BOISTEROUS JESUS”. We were told from the beginning that the winds were tossing, nevertheless, his focus on Jesus and his Word never stopped him from walking. Until he shifted focus from Jesus, he was walking alright (vs 29).
Beloved, there are many who have dreams, potentials, visions, aspirations etc to fulfill their God given-destinies. However, they forget that those desires in them were inspired or engineered by God. Therefore, they easily give up when things becomes tough. It all depends on “WHO” and “WHAT” you see. At first, he saw Jesus and obeyed his command “Come”, midway, he saw the boisterous wind and forgot about Jesus. After looking at the wind he became so afraid and doubted. Little faith sees challenges and succumb to them due to fear and doubt. Fear and doubt are two great enemies of faith. Great faith sees and overcome. Dear friend, you are so closed to that miracle or blessing. Don’t doubt. Jesus asked him “O you of little faith, why did you doubt? (vs 31).
Many folks have or are still joining that same queue in life. All they can see is how great a challenge is and the reasons they cannot make it. All some people can see is the failure of their government, family background, education background, their so called “connections” etc. If all that you can see is the ability of your government, boss, parents, or even your business, then you cannot part ways with failure. See beyond man, connections, and see Jesus and His Word. Please change “what” and “who” you are seeing. Christ has bid you to come to Him (Matt 11:28). So look to him at all times, even in difficult times. Don’t be afraid, He told you to come, so keep “coming” and keep “walking”. This will keep your faith alive and much stronger in the Lord. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
I look to Jesus, the One who has called me into glory and virtue. I ‘ll keep faithing in him and His word. My faith in Him keeps my life progressing. I refuse to look at the circumstances of life. I refuse to fear and doubt. Nothing can bring me down. Because I am above only and All I see is Him. Thank You Lord, Jesus. Hallelujah !
Enjoy a Fruitful Monday !