24/7 Doxa Content-13th September-Refuse To Be Despised
24/7 Doxa Content 2017
WEDNESDAY, 13th September
1 Timothy 4 vs
12.¶Let no one look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in your speech, conduct, love, faithfulness, and purity.~|NET|
God created humans in His own image and likeness therefore they ought to be honoured. Yes, people carry value, potentials and abilities. However, that’s not always the case. Instead of honouring people, some rather despise them. In ministry, government, businesses people are easily despised by their bosses, leaders or their equals. So the apostle of Jesus Christ admonished his son in the Lord to wage war against being despised. The word despise means “to disdain, think little or nothing of or looking down” on people; thus making someone feel inferior or useless. Our focused text reveals the youthful stage as one group people easily despise. Yes, every young person will be despised one way or the other.
They are easily despised because they symbolize a stage of beginning and learning new things and experiences; and taking new responsibilities. Cherished one, many people including your family, friends and loved ones will despise you in one way or the other, but refuse to be despised; don’t walk in their opinions of your weaknesses and shortcomings. Folks who easily despise others have not come to understand certain truths about times and seasons. Most people who despise you have a certain fear and insecurities in them that they haven’t mastered. Such folks think because they couldn’t do it, then no one else can do it; others think no one can reach or deserve their level or class.
People like that are ruled by selfishness and think aside them no one can make it to the top or break their record. Remember, in all fields of life on this earth you’ll have many people to despise you than to encourage you.* This mostly happens if you decide to make exploits and impact in life. *But you have the responsibility to overcome being despised in order to fulfill your divine assignment. Like Jesus, despise the shames of life, criticisms and focus on the joy that is set before you. Refuse to be caged or put in a box. Be bold and unleash the greatness in you to impact your posterity. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with always. Amen !
Gracious and Faithful Father, I thank you for making me a vessel of honour to impact generations. You have bestowed on me immeasurable grace and abilities. Therefore I refuse to waste them but rather I value them by putting them to work despite criticisms; I despise the shames of life. Greater is He that’s in me so I’m making greater exploits in Jesus Name. Amen !
Enjoy A Fulfilling Wednesday!*