24/7 Doxa Content-31st August-Preach The Gospel Worldwide
|¶ 24/7 DOXA CONTENT 2017
THURSDAY, 31st August
Mark 16 vs
>>15. ¶And He said unto them, Go ye into all the WORLD, and preach the gospel to every creature.-(KJV]<<||
Beloved, let the words of Jesus in our opening text re-echo in your heart and mind- “go into all the WORLD and preach the gospel to EVERY creature”. It reveals the truth that the greatest need of the world is the GOSPEL, not otherwise. Jesus gave us a global or “all the world” vision (Mk 16:15). It is not enough to preach the gospel in your denomination or community. There are many nations, cities, towns and villages which have not heard the gospel and it’s your responsibility to reach out to them.
One truth you must apply in your life is that preaching the gospel is not only for pastors, prophets, teachers, evangelist, apostles; it’s a ministry given to every born again Christian. Paul stated concerning the saints that “God has given us the ministry of reconciliation” (2Cor 5:18). We are the light of the world, so one of the best ways to lighten up the world is by giving them the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ (Mt 5:14). For true salvation comes only by faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12; Gal 2:16).
By God’s grace, technology has come to help in diverse ways. So you have no excuse. You can use tracts, text or voice messages, music, video, social media platforms to propagate the gospel. By so doing, you would be saving lives and spreading the gospel worldwide. Let’s not relent because we have worldwide vision to fulfill before Christ return. Don’t receive the gospel and “hide” it within your spheres, just spread it to others. You can start now by sharing this message with others. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Amen!
I receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit as a minister of reconciliation. I minister grace by preaching the gospel. I refuse to be put in a box by religion or denominations. I am fulfilling the great commission and spreading the gospel in a worldwide vision. Many souls are saved, lives are being impacted and changed by the gospel. And the gate of hades shall not prevail against it in Jesus’ Name. Amen !
Enjoy A Blissful Thursday !