24/7 Doxa Content-15th September-Overcoming By Faith
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
FRIDAY, 15th September
Hebrews 11 vs
23.¶By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden three months by his parents, because they saw he was a beautiful child; and they WERE NOT AFRAID of the king’s command.-[KJV]<<||
FAITH, the divine force in a man that causes him to do great exploits. Hebrews brings to fore many great feats of the old testament and reveals the main force behind their action as FAITH. Among such people included Moses, his parents (Amram and Jochebed) and sister, Miriam. There was a decree by the then Pharaoh to kill all male borns in Egypt (Exodus 1:22). However, Moses’ parents and sister did something unusual; something ordinary men or women may not do. They hid the baby for three months not regarding the king’s command.
And because God rewards faith, their faith in God produced great results. We were told why they hid the baby; because “THEY WERE NOT AFRAID OF THE KING’S COMMAND” aside the beauty of the child. That’s remarkable ! This act included women; for faith has no respect for gender. When the word gets hold of you, you act like a god over situations, not just a mere man (Ex 7:1). Faith resists fear; but fear resists faith. By faith they overcame the king’s decree. Friend, you can overcome the government commands about joblessness, inflations, price fluctuations etc.
The government can put embargo on jobs but he can’t put embargo on your faith or mind. You can overcome doctors report about that sickness; for you overcome the world by faith (1John 5:4). Cherished one, it is your confidence, trust, convictions and beliefs in the King of Kings and His eternal Word that make you unshakable in life. Don’t be afraid of any decree or command posed by man or spirit, economy, scholars, researchers and statistics that contradict God’s plans for your life. For You are an overcomer through Christ Jesus (I John 5:4 ). The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Amen !
I am born overcomer, I live as overcomer. I have overcome everything Jesus overcame, the world, even by my faith. By faith I subdue kingdoms, conqueror territories, pull down strongholds, master situations and triumph in glory in Jesus’ Name. Amen !_
Enjoy An Overcoming Friday !