24/7 Doxa Content-21st September-The Nature of Faith
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
THURSDAY, 21st September
Hebrews 11 vs
»»6.¶”But without faith it is impossible to please Him…”-[KJV]«« ||
LIVING IN this “crazy world” without operating in faith is very dangerous. Faith is an inevitable force in this end time for a lifetime. It’s an essential requirement for a glorious life (Rom 1:17). Not functioning or operating in it will cost you more harm than good. According to Hebrews 11:1- “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”. Faith also means the response of your human spirit to the word of God. It is believing, trusting and relying on God and His Word entirely without any analysis.
Faith is allowing God’s word in motion into your entire life. Faith has a nature; Faith sees the INVISIBLE; Yes! faith has an eye that sees what ordinary human eyes, news media, politicians, statistics and economics cannot see (Heb 11:27). Also, faith thinks the UNTHINKABLE. Thus, what many people will consider under normal circumstances to be “normal” is never regarded by a person of faith. For instance, medically speaking, it’s unheard of for any couple aged 90 and 100 to think about having a child. However, Abraham did not consider his age and the deadness of Sarah’s womb, but gave glory to God and gave birth in their old ages (Rom 4:19,20).
Moreover, faith speaks the UNSPEAKABLE. Faith has a language it understands and speaks. Jesus cursed a fig tree which would have required modern day weedicides to kill it gradually (Mark 11:21). The three Hebrew boys spoke against fire as though they were speaking against a kid (Dan 3:17). *It matters how you speak in the journey of faith.* Cherished one, you can now assess yourself whether you are operating in faith or not. Your faith must see the invisible, think the unthinkable and speak the unspeakable etc. This is the nature of real faith. You will need faith in facing every challenge in life, so develop it by continuous hearing God’s specific word (rhema) (Romans 10:17) to become a faith giant in this life. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
By faith I understand that the whole universe was framed by the word of God. Therefore, by faith my entire life is being fashioned and shaped by God’s word. I operate in the realms of faith where I see the invisible, think the unthinkable and speak the unspeakable. I see right, I think right and I speak right by faith. Through it, I obtain good report in all aspects of my life in Jesus’ Name. Amen!_
Enjoy A Glorious Thursday !