24/7 Doxa Content-29th September-Let Him Pray
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
FRIDAY, 29th September
James 5vs
13.¶Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.|KJV|
THERE are people who are very good in complaining and telling their problems to their friends and relatives. By this, they try to use all natural means to solve their life problems, except the supernatural way. But that’s a cheat from the devil. Talking about your problems brings no solutions. Receiving counseling doesn’t end it, though you can have temporal results. But resorting to prayer can bring a lasting impact. Beloved, another dimension of prayer is when you pray against afflictions. Yes, you fight against afflictions by faith and receive solutions.
Don’t watch any affliction to destroy or humiliate you. Don’t complain or wish for afflictions to leave by themselves. No! Afflictions will not go without contending them. Apostle James asks “is anyone afflicted? The word “afflicted” means suffering evil or troubles or continually experiencing bad misfortunes or ugly situations and hardships. The answer is “Let him pray.” To pray means to utter a living voice to your Supernatural Father on His throne for results. To pray also means to invite the power of God over your earthly troubles. Prayer causes things to work effectively in your favour. That’s why you ought to pray unceasingly (1 Thess 5:17).
Cherished one, as part of your of success story, God will connect you to people to help you. But people will not rise up and just help you out of nothing. Any human help or favour you receive is influenced by a divine favour or order. Thus, something might have happened in the spirit realm to influence that help into the earth realm. The benefits of prayer is so immense. Yes! A heartfelt prayer can end any affliction that’s not from God. Go to your prayer room and utter the solutions and changes you desire. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, thank You for the ability given me to cause supernatural changes through prayer. Any affliction that’s not of You is ending right now. I utter a living voice to my Living Father to cause a lasting solution to any afflictions right now. I receive great help in Jesus Name. Amen !
Enjoy A Fulfilling Friday !