24/7 Doxa Content-20th September-Learning From Unfailing Principles
24/7 DOXA CONTENT 2017
WEDNESDAY, 20th September
Hebrews 6 vs
»»12.¶That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. -[KJV] «« ||
ANYONE who believes the Holy Scripture undoubtedly has to learn something from the various Bible characters. God in His infinite wisdom chose almost every situation played by different characters in print. From Genesis to Revelation, there are different characters with different experiences and God dealt with each of them differently. However, there are some general principles in their lives that cut across that every believer needs to emulate whether from an old or new testament character. Though a 21st century Christian might not necessarily go through the exact situation, he will still need to use the same principles in times of difficulty.
It’s expedient to also know the different callings of God for each individual. Thus, what befell Abraham might not necessarily happen to you, and the time frame of Sarah’s delivery would not be your story. However, you can emulate from their virtue of faith, patience and persistence they had toward God and His word when it seemed it had tarried. Therefore, if it took FAITH and PATIENCE to obtain the promises in their time, then you too will need the same to obtain the promises of God.
The ultimate amongst all is Jesus. He is the perfect example for all to learn from. He said in Mat 11:29, _”Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart…”. Thus, you have to emulate His attitudes of gentleness and meekness._ Truth is not relative and the truth you know will always make you free. EVEN TIME and history has proven undeniably that people of FAITH and PATIENCE are successful while FEARFUL and IMPATIENT ones mostly fail. _Choose to learn and apply the principles you see from the word of God and you’ll see the best result; for God is not a respecter of person (Acts 10:34)_. And the principles of God’s word are unfailing, but working. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Thank You Father for Your glorious word. Glory to Your name for given me better examples to emulate from. I choose to learn from the Lord Jesus and those who through faith and patience made it in life. I have a great life to leave my generation in Jesus’ Name. Amen !
Enjoy A Glorious Wednesday !