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24/7 DOXA Content-16th November-FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH

24/7 DOXA Content 2017
THURSDAY, 16th November


1 Timothy 6 vs
»12. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life,to which you were also called, and have confessed a good confession in the presence many witnesses.-[NKJV]««||

IN THIS MODERN times in which we hear news of economic recession, unemployment, redundancy, epidemic of new sicknesses and diseases and many things as such. What option does the Christian have? Should he accept anything and live according to the status quo? No! Never! There is always a way out of every problem in Christ Jesus. Jesus said All things are possible to God and to those who believe (Luke 1:37; Mk 9:23). Yes, Faith is the way; faith should be the lifestyle of every believer in these times. Some folks easily get frustrated in the walk of faith because they lack the understanding of this subject. So Let’s study some aspect of it.

1-Faith is NOT wishing. Wishers are like quitters, they have one destination, and that is, “failure land”. They say if wishing were horses beggars would ride. How true is it, because life will not give you what you wish for but what you fight for. And as a believer, the only way to fight is by FAITH ( I Tim 6:12). 2-Faith is NOT reasoning with your senses or sense knowledge. 2 Cor 5:7 says ...”we walk by faith not by sensory perception or appearance”. It is easy to move and act base on your five senses but real faith is not based on all these.

3-Faith is NOT lived in a vacuum. Thus, there is an object for faith because it’s a substance hope for (Heb 11:1). You can’t put your faith in nothing. There is always something/somebody to put your faith in. 4-Faith is NOT based on your own knowledge or experiences. You’ve got many certificates. That’s a great achievement, but your faith can’t be built on that. It is based absolutely on the knowledge and revelation you receive from God and His Word. For faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God (Rom 10:17).

5-Faith is NOT putting trust in human. Every true faith must be rooted solely in God, not man. If there is a fight, then there are rules governing it. You are bound to lose or disqualify if you fight ignoring the rules on grounds. Beloved, the fight of faith is a good one because you are already a winner before the fight ends. Who or what are you fighting ? Anything that Christ died against that will try to pop its ugly head calls for the engagement of faith-(Sin, sickness, death, poverty, barrenness, etc) . Don’t worry about your problems, fight them by enforcing God’s word against them. And your testimonies will abound greatly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

I stand in the Name of Jesus to fight against anything ungodly in my life. Anything ungodly is defeated under my feet forever. I am more than a conqueror. Nothing can bring me down in life. Because I am born of God and I have overcome the world by my faith. Hallelujah!

Enjoy A Blessed Thursday in Faith!

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