24/7 DOXA Content 2017
SUNDAY, 29th October
Hebrews 13 vs
>>8.¶Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.~[ KJV]
OUR opening text reveals a remarkable ‘STATEMENT OF TRUTH’. “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever” truly defines the essence and uniqueness of Christianity. Our hope is solely built on the truth that Jesus is alive forever (1 Cor 15:19 ). He came to die and rose again from the death never to die again, but living forever more. It is expedient to know that Jesus always leaves Himself a witness. For instance, during His earthly ministry, He chose twelves disciples to prove to them He was truly the Son of God. His nature, lifestyle, words, attitude, all confirmed this reality. He also confirmed by several supernatural occurrences in the early Church as recorded in the book of Acts. Jesus Christ was not a ‘theory’ to them as He is not a theory to us today.
He is also the “Jesus of today” and forevermore. He said “I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore…” ( Rev 1:18). Hallelujah. No one has ever spoken so boldly like this in world history except Him. Now, beloved, there is no doubt that Jesus is alive. But the question is “are you truly experiencing Him in your life now ? Is He alive to you and in you? The essence of His living is for you to ‘ENJOY’ Him fully in all aspects of your life.*Don’t just limit Him to history, or as the “Jesus of Peter and Paul”. You should be able to boldly proclaim that “He is my Jesus”. Hallelujah. Let Him be alive to you today by trusting and living His Word, and being helped by the power of His Spirit.
You can also experience Him in your life through miracles. I believe in miracles. Do you? He still SAVES sinners; raises the dead; heals all MANNER of sicknesses and diseases; mends brokenhearted; pours new wine of love into marriages; gives sight to the blind; makes people rich and wealthy etc. And His Grace has made all things available for us to enjoy. Enjoy by putting faith into what has been provided by His riches in glory. Blessed one, it is time you launch into the deep and experience Jesus real in your life, health, finance, ministry, business, marriage. It is possible! He comes with a glorious package loaded for your benefit. *You won’t enjoy the best of God, if you only see Jesus in the ‘printed papers’. Christ in you, the hope of glory, not Christ on papers. Don’t put Him into the past, bring Him into your today and experience Him now and forever more ! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Hallelujah!
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever in my life. Jesus is not a past tense to me, but very real to me even now, as a Person in every area of my life. I enjoy His Personality and influence all over. Henceforth, I fear nothing. I am never a victim of situations. I am a victor and more than a conqueror through Christ who loves and gives me all things to enjoy. Hallelujah !
*Enjoy A Lively Sunday !*