24/7 DOXA Content 2017
TUESDAY, 10th October
Romans 10 vs
3.¶For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.-[KJV]<< ||
BEING ignorant of God’s word can have dangerous repercussions on your life. Hosea enjoined that “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hose 4:6).Therefore, the opposite is true that “My people are established because they have knowledge”.As a New Creation, you have to be filled with the knowledge of His will (Col 1:9). One of such will is the righteousness of God. The righteousness of God is attained only by faith in Christ Jesus (Rom 3:22;10:6). At new birth, God’s kind of righteousness is impacted to your human spirit. *Yes, this is to empower you to know and fulfill all righteousness.*
Righteousness as God’s nature is imparted unto you for a godly purpose. And that’s to help you live, think, speak and conduct your entire life rightly. This kind of righteousness will cause you to obey the commands of Gods. “For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous” ( Rom 5:19). Don’t go about trying to establish your own righteousness”. Submit to His righteousness (Rom 10:3). This is vital because you cannot give out or live what you don’t have. And “what do you have that you did not receive? (1 Cor 4:7).
Cherished one, If you don’t possess righteousness by faith, you can’t live right before God. Moreover, if this kind of righteousness is received by faith in Christ, then you can only enjoy it by faith. You don’t start something by faith, stop somewhere and continue to live by your own works. Faith here means relying daily or constantly on God’s ability (Holy Spirit and Word) in you to walk right before Him.* Stop establishing your own kind of righteousness that’s based on human flesh, knowledge, strength and system. You have what it takes to empower you to live right and that’s God’s kind of righteousness.* The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, thank You for making me righteous. I walk according to Your kind of righteousness that stop my struggle to live righteous before you. I know that by my own strength I cannot prevail, but Your grace is always sufficient for me. I am strengthened by Your Holy Spirit to live for You forever in Jesus Name. Amen !_
Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday