24/7 Doxa Content-28th September-Desire and Pursue Growth
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
THURSDAY, 28th September
I Peter 2 vs
2. ¶As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.-|KJV|
A BABY is not expected to have the knowledge of a college graduate. However, when a baby remains an infant all his life, it is certainly a great tragedy. Our focused text says, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that you may GROW thereby” (I Peter 2:2). Newborn babes are those who have just believed in Christ. In Christ, there are matured ones and those who are not. And your maturity is not necessary tied to your years spent in Church but years spent IN Christ.
Many can boast of how many years they have served in a local church yet there is no maturity in them. Maturity is mostly seen in your talk, thinking and attitude towards God, the things of God and other people. Thus, how you handle the matters of the kingdom in your practical life. The newborn babes are not going to grow automatically. They have to DESIRE the sincere or pure milk of the word of God in order to grow. Every desire is truly rewarded when it’s pursued. You pursue it by taken specific steps.
As you need healthy food in the natural to grow healthy, so is it in the spirit. You need to “eat and drink” from God’s word till you come full of age. God’s word will renew your mind and influence your spirit and thinking for quality decisions. This is how to experience spiritual growth: continuous feasting on God’s word, applying it and engaging in spiritual exercises. Take the responsibility and time to grow. Because the young is destined to grow. And until you grow there are certain levels you can never operate. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ Christ be with you always.
The word I feed on blossoms my life in beauty and sweet fragrance of the Holy Spirit. I feed on the incorruptible word of God for growth. I refuse to remain a spiritual dwarf or babe. I choose to live as a great giant in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!
Enjoy A Glorious Thursday !