24/7 DOXA Content 2017
SATURDAY, 7th October
I Timothy 4 vs
8.¶For physical exercise has some value…”~[NET]
THE BEAUTY of God’s word is that, it deals with every sphere of humanity. Thus, it takes the spirit, soul and body into consideration. Proverbs 11 : 1 states that ” a false balance is an abomination to the Lord”. Therefore it’s expedient we take into consideration the concerns of the spirit, soul and body. God desires all His children to walk with a recreated spirit, a prosperous soul and a healthy body (3Jn 1:2). Hallelujah !Your body is one essential part of the tripartite nature of humanity. You contact the earthly realm through it. It “houses” your spirit and soul.
As important as your spirit and soul is, you won’t be living on this earth without your body. Since God has a great care and concern for your body as well as your soul and spirit, you must take good care of them (1 Pet 5:7; 1Thess 5:23). Apostle Paul validates the fact that bodily exercises profit a little as compared to godly exercise. Thus, he never doubted the value of physical exercises to the body. Beloved, no matter how spiritual or anointed you may be, you can do nothing without a healthy body.
You can start by spending some little time to exercise your body everyday. It’ll help your body system. Some people wait till a health walk or doctor’s report before they do physical exercise. A little “press ups”, stretching of your joints or taking a “walk” will do you much good. You are the custodian of your body, so take good care of it. For bodily exercise has some value. It’s an avenue to “service” your body personally. Though it takes a lot of discipline to do this everyday, its value is worth it. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always!
I have a recreated spirit, sound mind in a healthy body. My body system is renewed in strength and vigor as I discipline myself to exercise my body. I am enjoying the value of bodily exercise in Jesus’ Name! Hallelujah !
Enjoy A Healthy Saturday !