24/7 DOXA Content 2017
WEDNESDAY, 1st November
Colossians 1 vs
9.¶For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.
YOUR eagerness to do something worthwhile is not important than how best you do it. Your desire to pray is not enough but how right you pray matters. Therefore your prayer life should be governed by the knowledge of God’s word influenced by the Holy Spirit. Jesus always got answers to His prayers. So He is worthy of emulation. His prayer life was influenced by the knowledge of God’s will. And our focused scripture unveils to us the reality of being filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
As a New Creation, you must know the difference between how the old testament folks prayed and how the New Creation prays. There is a VAST DIFFERENCE; don’t pray like an old testament saint. Pray as a New Testament believer. The old testament believer prayed according to laws. Also the revelation of God as their Father was not absolute to them.
However, the new Testament believer doesn’t just pray to God, he must pray to him as FATHER. Fatherhood implies RELATIONSHIP. The New Creation see Him as the FATHER who supplies all needs for His cherished children. The Father dimension of God also implies AUTHORITY. It also implies RESPONSIBILITY. Fatherhood is not just a title but a status attained by responsibility. Be conscious that Papa God is very responsible.
Another revelation is to pray in Name of Jesus Christ. His Name has power of attorney. This is vital because He is our Advocate (the one who pleads on behalf of another). He is also the mediator between God and man. Also the Father has given Him the legal right through which all those who believe in the Son should have access to the Father. God’s word revealed His will. So be filled with the knowledge of God’s will and pray rightly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, I thank You for giving me the privilege to have access into Your presence. I am being filled with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding in Jesus Name. Amen!
Enjoy A Gracious Wednesday!