Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds


24/7 DOXA Content 2017
SUNDAY,12th November


Romans 8 vs
»»28.¶And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.-[NKJV]«««||

WE ARE aware of the hard times that has come in this world. Many people are complaining of how “hard” things have become. Many folks are comparing this era to some past years where they knew things to be very ‘soft’. Many people are blaming different governments for the ongoing hard times. And there is no doubt that some Christians have already joined the complaining, comparing and crying for things to reverse for good.

But the question is will things reverse to favour those complaining? Will many jobs abound for everyone in need of one? Will all economies blossom for all nations? The answer is a big NO! No, not for the people in this worldly system. Why? Because the system of this world is bound to failure and total corruption. Isaiah prophetically declared this in Isaiah 60:2a “For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people”. Psalm 37:38 also enjoins “But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off”. So there is no escape for this world system and whoever not found in the Kingdom of Christ.

However, as God will never destroy the righteous with the sinners, so He won’t allow His people to see corruption (Psalm 16:10). The prophecy of Isaiah declared the stance for those who trust in God. And he said “but the LORD shall ARISE upon YOU, and HIS GLORY shall be seen upon you”. Hallelujah! *Beloved, we are much aware of our victory, glory, blessings all packaged in Christ. We know that we can’t fail. All things works together for our good. Nothing is working against you. Because it is only in darkness that light can shine brighter.

We are the light of the world already shining brighter in the world . We are conscious of who we are and what we possess in Christ ! Psalm 37:37 says Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.”Just keep sticking to your Source (God), keep loving Him and keep walking according to His purpose for which He called you. And truly you are called into a life of glory and virtue (2 Pet 1:3). It doesn’t matter what is going on around you, be conscious of what you are on the inside and rise to enjoy the more abundant life in Christ (John 10:10). The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

I am fully conscious of the reality that all things work together for my good. And God’s love shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit makes me love Him the more. My future is brighter because I know my God who has called me into excellence and glory. My steps are ordered by God. I am called for a purpose in Christ. If God is for me, there nobody can be against. I am aware. Hallelujah !

*Enjoy A Sweet Sunday in God’s Goodness!*

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