24/7 Doxa Content-7th July-Different From The Norm
¶| 24/7 DOXA Content 2017
FRIDAY, 7th July
John 17 vs
»»17. ¶”Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth-[NKJV]««||
AS JESUS offered heartfelt prayers for His disciples, He requested the holy Father to “sanctify them by His truth.” And he reiterated that “God’s word is truth”. Truth means reality. *God’s word as truth or reality is one which expresses His thoughts, idea and expressed message of divine rational or purpose.* He therefore unveiled the Father’s word as a “sanctifying agent”. To “sanctify” here connotes being “set part” which also means – *_”different from the norm”_*. Words such as “dedicated, separated, purified” are often used interchangeably.
Jesus therefore petitioned the Father to set us apart, purify, consecrate, separate us for God because the word is truth. Jesus Himself fulfilled this prayer of sanctification when he offered His body as the scripture says ” …we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all” (Hebrews 10:10). The same Greek word “HAGIAZO” is used for sanctify. However, we continue to live as sanctified ones as we live by God’s word. The one true way to be cleansed and made pure from all impurities of this world is through the word (John 15:3). In other words, to ignore the word means ignoring total sanctification or cleansing.
After being set apart by God, what the world calls normal should not be your standard of life anymore. This is because the word of God as a “sanctified agent” also positions you as a “difference maker”. You can’t keep or do or apply the Father’s word in your life and still live a ‘normal life’. The word infuses you with sanctity and difference. By this, you’ll know how to choose pure from impure, right from wrong, prosperity from poverty, spiritual from mundane. This is your life in Christ, so keep looking into the word which is able to sanctify you wholly.
Beloved brethren, as you continue to live by the word, you’ll always fulfill the desires of the Father in heaven. And this will make you different from the norm (1 Peter 1:23). This therefore puts you in a high class as a Kingdom citizen. Challenges and ungodliness will not thrive but will succumb to you because you put to work the implanted word of God (James 1:21). As the light of the world and salt of the earth, you are always set to be different from the norm. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Glorious Father, keep sanctifying me by Your word which is the only eternal truth. I submit myself to Your word for it is able to build me up and give me an inheritance. By Your word, I am different from the norm. I do not succumb to the status quo because I am a different species born of the incorruptible word of God. I reign in life with Christ. Hallelujah !
*Enjoy A Glorious Friday !*