24/7 Doxa Content-6th July-The Book Containing The Ever-Living Words
24/7 DOXA CONTENT 2017
THURSDAY, 6th July
Joshua 1 vs
8. ¶”This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.-[ NKJV ] ||
THE Holy Bible undoubtedly contains the undiluted word of God. Amidst many criticisms and oppositions, God has kept its perpetuity till this time. They couldn’t exterminate it no matter how hard and smart they tried. No wonder it has many names such as “the Good Book, the Holy Book, the Old Book” etc. Besides, it the most sold book of all time. Even many other religions use it as a point of reference. There is no doubt that the Bible is a living book. *It’s living because it was inspired by a living Author, the Spirit of God Himself*.
The Creator preserved and kept it up to this time for the benefit all mankind because He desires every generation to know and live like Him. *It’s a living book for living a lively life*. One great man of God has rightly said “ Visit many books but live in the Bible”*. It couldn’t have better than this. There is no knowledge in this world that can inform, inspire and transform your entire life than the Bible. Love, read, study and live it.
Your educational background may have given you access to much knowledge from different books but you can only LIVE in the Bible because it’s the inspired WORD of God (2 Timothy 3:16). It has a divine stamp or seal of authority*. It has in it the sound of divine inspiration. It will inspire you for life, transformation and impact in every aspect of your life. No book can ever change a man as the Bible, which contains the word of God.
It will suffice you to note that the Bible is God’s personal LOVE LETTER to mankind in every generation. HIS LOVE underpinned its writings. *There is no generation who is beyond it*. He knows every generation will benefit from this book that’s why He kept it alive. Read, study it and live it. *Anyone who closes his Bible closes his divine divine destiny*. For it contains the laws, principles and directions from God for making your life a good success. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Thank You Blessed Lord and Father for the wonderful book which contains Your inspired Word. By Your word, I am enjoying total prosperity, righteousness, peace ,joy and life eternal. I esteem Your word, I meditate on it for divine counsel, knowledge, instruction and wisdom. Glory be to Your Name forever for Your love letter to me in Jesus’ Name. Amen !
Enjoy A Blissful Thursday !