|¶ 24/7 DOXA Content 2017
WEDNESDAY, 4th October
Proverbs 9 vs
>>9. ¶Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.-[ KJV]<<||
HAVING a zeal without knowledge and having knowledge without a zeal can equally be destructive. Many have good heart desires that need to be fulfilled. But the challenge is that many do not spend time to search or inquire and learn about what they really need in life. Knowledge empowers you; ignorance can disgrace you (Hosea 4:6). Learning is not an option for the New Creation; know who you are, what you have in Christ and what you can do in Him.For instance, what do you know about marriage that you are so eager to marry? What is God’s perspective about marriage? Marriage is not just having enough finance, job, car and finding a wife or husband.
It involves responsibility, fulfilling God’s purpose together and solving problems in life. Sit down and learn more and understand this subject. The world keeps polluting some Christians because they lack the revelation of God’s word concerning marriage. Another vital area to learn and grow better is FINANCE. Many Christians know how to pray and fast but are financially poor. Yes, many are not truly enjoying the superabundant resources of God in their finances. The reason is that many do not engage in financial practices such as giving, creating, thinking, planning, investments and savings (Luke 6:38). Yes, many are financially illiterate. Money has laws of which most Christians are ignorant about.
Many do not have financial mentors. Many do not appreciate the anointing of God on ministers sent to teach about financial prosperity (Isaiah 48:17). Many easily get offended when the church talk about money. But they come home and complain about money. Cherished one, times are getting harder and tougher, and it takes those who are tougher in God’s word to stand and face the perilous times. *Open up your mouth and heart wide and let God fill them with the treasures of His word which is able to build you up for exploits (Acts 20:32). Refuse to be ignorant; Learn and you’ll grow better as God intends for you in all aspects of life. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Amen!
Dear Father, thank You for this glorious revelation from Your infallible word. I humble myself under Your word which teaches me to profit. Thank You for given me the power, wisdom and knowledge to get wealth. Continue to grant and open the heart of my understanding to know more about my inheritance in You. With You I am blossoming by grace in all aspects of life in Jesus Name. Amen!
Enjoy A Prosperous Wednesday !