24/7 DOXA Content-3rd October-THE EVER-FAITHFUL GOD
|¶ 24/7 DOXA Content 2017
TUESDAY, 3rd October
Numbers 23 vs
>>19. ¶God is not a man, that He should lie; Nor a son of man, that He should repent: Has He said, and will not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? -[NKJV]<<||
IT WILL always be of great help and a lifetime transformation to you if you can always strike the great difference between the almighty God and man in terms of faithfulness. Balak was doing all he could so that the Seer could curse the people God had already pronounced blessed. But the reality is that “God is not a man that He should lie”. We can rely on this truth. Hallelujah. Balaam was addressing Balak the faithfulness of God as compared to man. Any word God utters is so strong and eternal as Himself (Heb 4:12). There is no iota of lie in Him. In fact, He doesn’t lie and can’t lie. It’s not part of His nature.
God is truth and associates Himself with truths. Man can lie at different times and situations (Rom 4:3). *But there is no way or situation that will or can cause God to lie or fail (Ps 89:33)* . He surpasses all in faithfulness. He has no limitations. Cherished one, never doubt His faithfulness no matter how difficult situations may seem. He is faithful to Himself, His word and to you as His son or daughter. He has never made Himself a public ridicule; No! not for once. Praise God forever! Let this truth be settled in your spirit, mind and body that God cannot be placed at the same pedestal with humans in terms of faithfulness. The Bible declares that His faithfulness endures ever.
So keep on believing and trusting God and His word. Keep making Him your hope and the anchor of your faith. Are you believing God for a miracle job, marriage, admission, finances, child, health, wealth etc? *Then believe in the faithfulness of God which is able to deliver and fulfill everything concerning you (I Cor 1:9). For the scripture says “He who promised is faithful” (Heb 10:23). Beloved, God will not fail or disappoint you. *Keep judging Him as the ever-faithful and this will save you from many worries of life.*Enjoy life to the fullest in God’s faithfulness. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always !
Dear Father, You are not a man that You should lie, disappoint or fail me. Your word stands sure and it’s forever established. You are the immortal, invincible, only wise God . Your faithfulness endures forever. Your faithfulness is able to deliver, provide and establish. I refuse to doubt Your faithfulness towards me in Jesus Name. Hallelujah!
Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday !