24/7 Doxa Content-27th July-The Essence of Consistent Prayers
¶ 24/7 DOXA Content 2017
THURSDAY, 27th July
Luke 18 vs
1.¶Then Jesus told them a parable to show them they should always pray and not lose heart.~ [NET ]_
JESUS used an illustration to unveil the need for consistent prayers without giving up. He is teaching us how to develop a persistent attitude of prayer notwithstanding the time the answers arrive. Consistency is one great key to success in any great endeavour in life. One hallmark of an effective Christian filled with the Holy Spirit is his time spent in God’s presence in prayer. Consistent prayer breeds consistent results. Most times people wonder why they should pray. Many ask if God knows everything I go through, all-powerful, all knowing, everywhere, and all-loving, why should I still pray to Him before He act?
Well, you must foremost understand the DUAL realms of this life; thus, the spiritual and the natural world. Life is not just lived in the natural realm; it is supernatural too. However, to connect to the realms of the spirit involves spirits. That’s why God is a spirit and as well as man. And prayer is one spiritual means to partake of the supernatural realm. Yes, PRAYER is the way to involve God to enforcing His realm of influence on earth. It was in prayer that Jesus told them to say “Your will be done earth as in it is heaven”. Through prayer, we enforce God’s will on earth. Hallelujah!
Cherished one, to only live as a natural man will benefit you only natural results. Prayer is the way to connect to the spirit world by FAITH to effect changes desired. And this is the only way GOD HAS DESIGNED for mankind to live above the natural. *Friend, don’t take things lightly in this life and embrace any life that’s less of God’s will*. Engage in persistent prayer concerning your Christian life, marriage, business, visions, ministry and you’ll will enjoy the desires of your heart and fulfill your divine assignment successfully. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Thank You Mighty Father for the privilege to commune and fellowship with You in prayer. I submit my will under Yours and declare their fulfillment in my life. My heartfelt prayer is making tremendous power available and dynamic in its working to receive great results in Jesus Name. Amen!
*Enjoy A Glorious Thursday !*