24/7 Doxa Content-1st September- You Are Highly Ranked in Christ
|¶ 24/7 DOXA CONTENT 2017
FRIDAY, 1st September
Matthew 8 vs
>>29.¶Suddenly, they screamed, “What do you want with us, Son of God? Did you come here to torture us before the proper time?” [ISV]<<||
JESUS, the Anointed One met two demon- possessed men and they couldn’t stand His presence. It was known that no one could pass through that street; they had taken dominion over that territory (Mt 8:28). But immediately they saw Jesus, they recognized a higher power around so they had no choice than to surrender. Jesus desired to set the men free but the demons wanted to keep them bound.
Know that Jesus came to oppose all forms of bondage of the devil set against mankind. The beloved Apostle affirmed “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil (1Jn3:8). Moreover, observe carefully how the demons addressed Jesus, “What have we to do with you, Son of God”? In other words, we don’t have anything to do with you, so you leave us alone”. This is also the reality of every true Christian who has the Spirit of God in him.
Your presence carry divine essence and presence which cause demons to shake and tremble. Just as these demons wanted Jesus to leave their territory so is it for every child of God. You carry a higher voltage that they can’t stand. You are highly ranked in power above them. This is why it is a great error for a true Christian to fear demons. The good news is that the same power and Spirit that they saw in Jesus is found in the New Creation (Rom 8:11).
Beloved, it’s from the SAME SOURCE. As Jesus is, so are we in this world (1John 4:17). For this cause, it is always best to know who you are and what you have in Christ, and use that to your advantage. Don’t give devils too much of your time and attention. Focus on building yourself up in God and in His word coupled with prayer, fasting, giving, love, faith and enjoy a fruitful Christian life. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Amen!
I am highly ranked in Christ Jesus above all principalities and power and every ungodly situation. My presence has an essence and presence of divine power in me. I rule, reign and I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. I am enjoying a glorious and higher life in Christ. Hallelujah!_
Enjoy A Victorious Friday !