24/7 Doxa Content-16th August-There Is Always A Way Out
|¶ 24/7 DOXA Content 2017
WEDNESDAY, 16th August
Job 22 vs
>>29.¶ When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person.-[KJV]<<||
WE are in the era where finite human minds cannot be relied upon again. Most people do rely on their intellectual capacity but will never get the BEST solutions unless they turn to God for help. However, there are people who KNOW their God. Yes, these people are destined or made for exploits (Dan 11:32). Do you really know your God? Then, the fire or storms of life are not permitted to consume you. *Those who know their God has God-oriented solutions to life’s challenges*. If the world says _”there is no way out of this situation?_ You can boldly smile and say “oh yes there is a way”. You are God’s and He knows how to take care of His own. *Things and people do not get worse in the hands of the CREATOR. They grow better in His hands.*
Our focused scripture teaches us how to response to situations around our environment. Natural men are limited by what they see with their natural senses. So when they are complaining, instead of planning, do you join them in the same talk or act? Or you speak differently? The scripture says “you shall say there is a LIFTING up”. Beloved, what you say is very important, because your life goes the direction of your mouth. This is a spiritual law. If you always rely on your natural senses to live, then you are not looking into the Perfect Law of Liberty (James 1:25 ). Because, it takes those who are built in the word of God to expect or say there is “a lifting up” even in the midst of challenges (Matthew 12:33-35).
Cherished one, it doesn’t matter what goes on or comes into this world, there is a way out through Christ Jesus for the humble. Whether it is sickness, death, poverty, sin, failure etc, there is a way out. But are you ready to position yourself to submit to that way? All solution to life’s problems have been answered in the word of God. As you study and live by those principles, you shall have good success (Joshua 1:8). Knowing and declaring “there is a LIFTING UP for me” with cause you to take a “LIFTING UP-ORIENTED ACTIONS”. No! You shouldn’t go down with the world, because you are lifted above its system. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Amen!
I declare a lifting up in every sphere of my life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I refuse to speak in line with the environment. I speak in line with God’s word. I am advancing and making progress even in seemingly challenging situations. I am the head and not the tail. I am highly lifted up above the systems, failures and the mishaps of this world by the power of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!
Enjoy A Blissful Wednesday !