24/7 DOXA Content-14th October-MENTAL CAPACITY Pt. 2
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
SATURDAY, 14th October
Ephesians 4 vs
23.¶ to be renewed in your mental attitude,~| ISV|
Thanks be to God for His Spirit which reveals to His Children the glorious dimensions of the Christian life. Daniel, Moses and Paul were men of knowledge; Joseph didn’t just become the prime minister, he had learned many things from Potiphar’s house. Jesus the master was a man full of knowledge. His capacity to contain more was seen at the age of twelve when he started learning , answering and asking questions from the doctors of the law (Luke 2:46). One great man has said “great men have invested in their visions”. Knowledge is a great investment that will pay off eventually.
Our world is not in the best shape because many CHRISTIANS are afraid to FACE the world and ITS SYSTEMS with the CHRIST SYSTEM. I believe SATAN owns nothing himself. But all at his possession is what he has used his deceptive power to steal. He has lied to many because he is the master of it. He owns no creativity in music, rap or fashion or politics just that he has manipulated humans who have consciously submitted to his will. Dominate the world with your doctorate profession, engineer, fashion, ministry, music, construction business etc. Get to know how to be on top of your game. Don’t hide under the pretence of being a Christian and provide junk or mediocre products or goods and service for others.
Cherished one, the more reason why you should walk in mental excellence is that Christ has rubbed his mind with yours and your thinking capacity is graciously anointed to engage in greater levels of excellence. If you are a Christian, then be the one who is always excellent in his class, business, profession or field of work to glorify God. Strive for mastery and excellence by building a strong mental capacity for more. Get to know more, don’t settle for only what your lecturers taught you at the colleges. There’s more that you must discover. Buy books of great authors who are making impact and learn something from them. Take advantage of the information age and build a high mental capacity. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with always.
Glorious Father, thank You for the ability to learn and receive more knowledge. By knowledge my chambers are filled with precious treasures. I soar high on the wings of knowledge in all creativity and excellence in Jesus Name. Amen !
Enjoy A Glorious Saturday