24/7 DOXA Content 2018
THURSDAY, 1st March
Philippians 3 vs
>>10.■”That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto his death”~《KJV》
THE Apostle after submitting to the righteousness of God continued in our focused text “That I may know Him…” (Phil 3:10)._ This is the order of true Christian living. We submit our lives to Jesus in order to personally know Him well and to be able to walk with Him. Because until you know Him personally, you cannot serve Him well, nor experience the power of His resurrection or share in His suffering and do exploits in life (Phil 3:10; Dan 11:32). There is a higher dimension in Christ’s personality that we ought to know.
You need a revelation knowledge of the person and life of Jesus Christ as you progress in your Christian life. Many just know Him by their lips or religiously. But you need to have a personal encounter and a intimate fellowship with Him. You can know Him through the scriptures. Because it reveals the real life of the Lord Jesus. Yes, the scriptures testify of His ways. Consciously allow the word to be your guide, teacher and the only final reality for your life. God’s word will renew your mind about the person and character of Christ (Rom 12:2). For it is the word which reveals to us the mind of God.
Another glorious way to personally know Jesus is by relying on the Sweet Holy Spirit. For the Spirit testifies of the totality of the Christ and He searches the deep things of God (John 15:26; 1 Cor 2:10). Embrace and activate His ministry in your life. Cherished one, just make that personal decision to know Jesus intimately for yourself. And the Holy Spirit, your HELPER will always guide you to know Him and live right for him. You’ll never miss the next higher move of Jesus if you’ll really spend your lifetime to know Him. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Lord, I thank You for Your undiluted word. Continue to grant me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You to cause my understanding to be flooded with light. I am living to know only You, more and more intimately. And I am living right for You because Your righteous nature is revealed in me. Thank You Lord. Amen!_
*◇ Enjoy A Glorious Thursday ◇*
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray that God’s Spirit would cause you to know Christ more intimately.
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