Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds


Matthew 8 vs
17》》” that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying, “He took our infirmities, and bore our diseases.”.”》》WEB》

TO be taken advantage of means to be outsmarted or beat one in a competition. The devil is defeated but not eliminated from this earth. His time for destruction is not yet up; but we are commanded to exercise AUTHORITY by resisting him and his works (Luke 10:19/ James 4:7). Lack of revelation knowledge has made people to be oppressed by the devil. Many have given the devil too much chance to operate but that should not be the case.

He is a defeated foe, but he has strategies and organised kingdom of which you are to be vigilant and root out every strategy by applying the power of God in faith. In the book of Genesis, mankind was created to enjoy the best of God in spirit, soul, body, health, wealth and all round prosperity. Sin, sickness and pain weren’t part of His original plan; Because these were not found in the Creator.The presence of the devil introduced sin, sickness and evil stuff.

Therefore Christ came NOT to deal with only sin but infirmities, sicknesses and diseases. That’s why He did massive healing during His earthly ministry (Matt 8:16). Beloved, according to John 10:10, anything that is meant to steal, destroy and kill you is from the devil, the thief. *Therefore, you are to embrace Jesus who gives life to the overflow and exercise authority over all forms of infirmities, sicknesses, bareness and diseases. If Jesus took them away, then it’s illegal to carry them again. Be healed in Jesus Name. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

Dear Gracious Father, I thank You for the finished works of Jesus Christ; which were done for my spirit, soul, body, health, wealth and all round prosperity. I exercise AUTHORITY over any infirmity and disease of the flesh. Jesus took them and bore all my diseases. So I refuse to carry them. I am enjoying divine health and healing in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!

◇ Enjoy A Healthy Thursday◇

Prayer Alert:
Pray and exercise AUTHORITY over any infirmity, disease and sickness to leave your body in Jesus Name.

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