FOCAL TEXT: Matthew 14 vs 30►► “But when he saw that the wind was strong, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!.” ~|WEB|_____________________________________
FRUITFUL greetings, Cherished one. There is a certain kind of fear called the fear of the unknown. Many do not take positive actions because of this type of fear. However, others act in courage despite it. Many have heard of the challenges that come with marriages, yet are still marrying. Many have heard of how hard certain economies are yet they still establish new businesses. Many are aware of the financial challenges of our time yet are still doing what they are supposed to do and are succeeding. Don’t let a negative experience stops you from fighting for a positive experience.
In our focal text, Peter walked on the water by the word of Christ. His sight at fear instead of looking to Jesus made him sink yet he called for Jesus and He saved him from sinking; because he had made an attempt to act on the word. It is better to try to act and fail than to try nothing because of fear. Beloved, Jesus walked in the midst of the Pharisees who hated Him and wanted to see Him dead; Yet He prevailed among them. In the journey of life, there will always be something to fear but you must muster courage and act in spite of that fear.
How can you know it is possible if you haven’t made attempts of reaching possibility? People who always see impossibilities have not tried to make attempts to conquer impossibilities. Most people who dare to do something different come face to face with this type of fear. However, the only way to conquer the fear of the unknown is to act against that fear in courage. Let that “fear” be afraid of you based on your courageous faith-based action on God’s Word. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always. Amen!
Precious Father, I thank You for the courage to act in spite of the fear of the unknown. I refuse to be afraid. The power of Your word makes me strong and courageous. I am a success and prevail over life’s challenges in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen !
Pray and thank Papa God for always causing you to triumph courageously despite fear.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: 2 Timothy 1:7
Enjoy A Fruitful Monday

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