24/7 DOXA Content,10th December -MONEY WITH A MISSION
24/7 DOXA Content 2017
SUNDAY, 10th December
John 13 vs
29.》For some thought, because Judas had the money box, that Jesus had said to him, “Buy those things we need for the feast,” or, that he should give something to the poor.-《NKJV》
Every activity in God’s Kingdom comes with a mission. Every believer must walk in understanding concerning these purposes. Yes, matters about money shouldn’t be a mystery to the believer. It is of truth to know that Satan is not the “author” of money. God is the creator of all things (Psalm 24:1); In fact He owns the silver and the gold (Haggai 2:8). Our opening verse gives us a clear illustration of the “money ministry of Jesus”. Judas Iscariot kept the money bag as a treasurer. Jesus had a whole department dedicated to finances. Because He knew how challenging ministry and Christian life would be without money. He had an organized system for His finances. It went on to reveal the roles of money in His ministry.
One purpose was organising feasts or programs, crusades and leadership seminars for His disciples. And He bought (not borrowed) those items needed for these events (John 13:29). He planned as any event organiser would do and this needed money and He did it through His money ministry. Another role was the ministration to the poor (John 13:29). He actually ministered to the financial needs of the poor (John 6:11). No wonder the early Apostles did same after His departure (Acts 2:45).
*Cherished one, every Christian has a money ministry the same way Jesus did. Thus, your money has a mission to accomplish. Jesus never detested money. He used money as a tool to fulfill His divine assignment on earth. This is your set time to minister financially to the gospel on television, radio, internet etc in order to preach to all nations. Don’t waste your precious time on any “money critics”. You can impact many lives, save souls; minister to the needs of the poor, orphans etc; make someone smile with your money as Jesus did. You have a money ministry to fulfill in the Kingdom. God didn’t give you the money to spend all on yourself. No ! *Use part of your money as a great tool to bless lives around you. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Father, thank You for given me a money ministry. I thank You for showing me that my money has a mission to accomplish. I am a big time sponsor of the gospel in a grandstyle. Through my givings I put smiles on the faces of people and save souls. I receive the grace to fully fulfill this ministry in Jesus’ Name. Amen !
Enjoy A Blessed Sunday !