24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SATURDAY, 27th January
Mark 16 vs
20.■ “And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.”|KJV|_
I BELIEVE in miracles, signs and wonders, do you? A miracle, an
unusual occurrence, transcending the common course of nature. *This is one way by which God authenticates the ministers sent by Him, or by which men prove that the cause they are pleading is God’s.* So what causes the real miracles that happen in “true” ministries: the amazing testimonies of divine healings of cancers, asthma, sickle, diabetes, HIV, hepatitis, severe ulcers etc and strange opening of supernatural doors in divers areas of life? These miracles happen because the Lord Jesus by His Spirit works in synergy with His called and anointed ministers of God. Hallelujah!
*And the secret that leads to this move is total obedience to the commands of Jesus.* In the fifteenth verse, Jesus had commanded them to go and preach the gospel, which they heartily obeyed with actions (Mark 16:15,20). *So whenever you obey God’s command it releases His power into your situation. For faith and obedience work together.* “Working with” is from the Greek word *”sunergeō”*; from which we get the English word “synergy”. And it means _”to work together, help in work, be partner in labour or to put forth power together with and thereby to assist”._ And *”sunergos”* means *”a companion in work or fellow worker”.* So when the Lord becomes your fellow worker or companion in work, you are guaranteed for the supernatural occurences. Hallelujah !
So the next time you see a true minister of God mightily impacting lives, remember that the Lord is behind the scene working with him. *For behind every successful and mighty miracle is the Lord Jesus.*That’s why we give all the glory to God whenever they happen. The Lord intentionally proved to them His faithfulness by confirming with signs. Cherished one, do you want to experience the supernatural in your life or ministry with the evidence of miracles, signs and wonders? *Then you must be willing and ready to fulfill the assignment God gave you, and He will work in synergy with you in His power and anointing.* The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
_I am co-worker with God. I do not live a dry life without miracles, signs and wonders. I am set to experience the supernatural in every area of my life as I obey and fulfill the assignment of God for my life in Jesus Name. Amen!_
*♡♡Enjoy A Supernatural Saturday !♡♡*
*Your Personal Prayer Alert
_Pray that you would always heed to doing God’s assignment for your life to command his power and anointing._
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