24/7 DOXA Content 2018
FRIDAY, 11th May
Psalms 51 vs
12.■” Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.~《NLT》
ONE surest evident that you are born again is to walk in the joy of God’s salvation. Joy is that gladness and rejoicing that accompanies salvation. I am not referring to happiness which rest in human or the things of this world. *But an inner or eternal rest, security, tranquility and harmony in your spirit, soul and body that comes as a result of believing in Christ.* In our opening text, David was praying to God to restore to him the joy of salvation because he had sinned and thought to have lose the joy. Thus, David wanted to be free to experience the joy that accompanies the Lord’s salvation. But as a New Creation, you have something of a more glorious matter.
The joy of the Lord is now resident in your recreated human spirit (Galatians 5:22). You don’t walk in the fear or thinking that that joy can be taken away. But rather, you stand your ground by faith that nothing should be able to take the joy of the Lord’s salvation in you; not even sin or challenges of this world. *For Christ has made you more than a conqueror over the law of sin and death (Romans 8:1,2,14).* Sin is defeated; the accuser of the brethren has lose his power over you. You can receive and walk in total forgiveness and be at liberty to obey God. Rely on God’s Spirit as He continually supplies His joy in you. For He is the fountain of joy that never dries up.
Cherished one, do not allow anyone or anything to steal your joy in the Lord. This joy of salvation makes you established in Him. It boost your confidence in life without hopelessness or being miserable in Christ. *God doesn’t give you salvation without joy. For He knows joy is a catalyst to boost your journey with Him.* Rejoice that you are born again; Rejoice that your sins are forgiven. Be glad that God lavishes His grace and mercy on you everyday. Rejoice that God’s word and His faithfulness never fail and His goodness endures forever. Walk in the experience of the joy that accompanies the Lord’s salvation. Just rekindle yourself in the joy of God’s salvation. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
I am redeemed, restored, renewed and forgiven in Christ. I walk in the joy of the salvation of my Lord. I do not allow anything to steal my joy in the Lord. I serve the Lord with gladness of heart all the days of my life. I am so glad of the salvation I received of the Lord and enjoy the benefits thereof in Jesus Name. Hallelujah!
◇ Enjoy A Joyful Friday ! ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray, declare and prophesy that you are enjoying and walking in the joy of the Lord’s salvation.
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